Interviewed by Soul Collective Berlin

Thank you to Marianne and Natalie from Soul Collective for featuring me in their weekly Soul Sessions newsletter. You can read the interview below.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to learn Reiki, or for someone who is just starting out as a Reiki healer?
First of all, absolutely anyone can learn how to work with Reiki, I truly believe that. I would say just start slowly at the beginning, focusing more on yourself with self treatments, rather than doing too much for others and take it easy. I also feel that in our Reiki work we connect a lot with the crown chakra and third eye, as we connect to source and tune in more with our extra sensory perceptions. It's good to balance this out by doing some things which focus on the root chakra and sacral chakra, so staying grounded in the body by exercising and eating good food, and also experiencing fun and pleasure (sacral).

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Podcast Interviewed by Conversations for the Mystically Curious


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